Thursday, May 22, 2008

Sooooo sweeeeet. I let the girls take naps together. Emma loves snuggling up to Miley. They are so precious. Amazingly they sleep very well together and thank God too, they will be sleeping buddies before I know it. Miley still sleeps in her crib at night though, I'm scared a pillow or something will end up on her face!

I don't know if there is anything sweeter in life than watching a baby sleep. My grandmother always told me to "never wake a sleeping baby".
Miley loves her elephant. She always has to be holding on to something. I think she likes the feel of it.

1 comment:

Cody, Brandi, & Brady Young said...

Too cute...I have to agree there is nothing better than watching a little one sleep. I just wish Brady would have slept last night!! I think we are getting ready for round two of teeth!
Love ya!